Jose Tickled Destroyed By His Girls -720P -This "lucky" guy has two beautiful and sexy girls tickle and play with his cock with their feet!!

720p – “this is going to suck,” are the famous last words coming from our strapped down victim jose. these best friends have him tied down tight to our tickle board and he’s way too ticklish to have let himself get talked into this. these two beautiful pixies, "jenni lee cupcakes," with her adorable punk rock red hair in a strapless black bra and panties and "holli hox," in her cute hippy tank top, boy shorts and blonde, short hair may seem cute and innocent but from what they told us, they are always smacking, tickling or playing some type of practical joke on each other back in michigan. holly dances around his inner thighs while jenni lee focuses on the big ticklish spots like his armpits and stomach. jose is laughing and bouncing around. moving the only things he is free to move: shaking his head, flopping his hands, and shaking his feet. he is giggling screaming and getting quite worked up. you can’t help but laugh when the girls go to tickle his feet and he just begs and whines “ please not the feet, nooooooooooo”. poor jose, he’s screaming and squirming around as much as possible, yelling, “i can’t breath"" what a mess! don’t feel too bad for this guy though, since hollie grabs his cock several times during the shoot and nicely massages it through his shorts to give him a little break, then just when he starts to enjoy it, the torment resumes and he is right back to screaming and begging and laughing his head off. this is one of our best ff/m tickling clips, the chemistry between them is great and this guy is really suffering!